おはようー★ I'm actually at school ( ̄▽ ̄) in my informatics class ♥ It's quite boring here, and I'm in a strange mood, but... Tomorrow I'll be in Berliiiiiiiin
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こんばんは=☆ How are you?~(*^-^*)♪ I'm pretty happy ♥ Actually my school life is quiet but soon it'll return a total mess. Anyway, I'm still watching 'Mei-chan no Shitsuji' and I'm pretty addicted to Manpei and Shinpei's blogs ♥ D:
Recently my auntie~ yuya_tessi went to Japan! I'm so happy she's come back *_* [she isn't D:] and today she gave me a pretty JEShop
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Finally I made a new header for my lj, so new layout~☆ toukorin; toukorin; toukorin; toukorin; I can't fix the header, but I don't really care, so it's ok.